Christmas calorie counting? 5 simple tips to help you get through!

1.  If you feel hungry and think you are in need of a snack, drink a glass of water, it will take the edge of the hunger.

2.   Be portion size aware. The bigger the portion the more the calories!

3.   Chew your food slowly and mindfully, take time to really taste it and appreciate it.

4.   When you have finished your plate and think you want more, just wait 20 minutes before going for that extra helping. This helps digestion and will lessen the desire to want more!

5.   After eating, clean your teeth immediately, you will be less likely to eat anything for a while.

Relax and enjoy the food and the company and don’t feel guilty if you break your diet, tomorrow is another day ……

(In any case I would far rather you counted the chemicals to avoid in foods than the calories!!)

Merry Christmas x

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